The Switch Widget is useful for getting a Boolean type (boolean true
or false
value) from the user.
Here we explain how to use the Switch Widget provided by Flutter, and give an example of its application.
- Switch
is useful if you want to create a general Switch button.
You can get whether the button is checked or not by onChanged
You can also set the value of onChanged
to Null to deactivate the button.
bool isChecked = true;Widget build(BuildContext context) {return Switch(value: isChecked,onChanged: (value) {setState(() {isChecked = value;});})}
- SwitchListTile
is useful when you want to create a Switch with a label.
You can change the value of the title
or subtitle
and add a description of the Switch.
Also, by using secondary
, a free widget such as an icon can be displayed next to the label.
SwitchListTile(title: const Text("Notification"),subtitle: const Text("Allow notifications"),secondary: const SizedBox(width: 40,height: 80,child: Icon(Icons.notifications_none_rounded),),value: isChecked,onChanged: (value) {setState(() {isChecked = value;});},),
: background color when value=trueinactiveTrackColor
: background color when value=false
The Switch Widget allows you to specify colors in detail by changing values such as
Switch(activeTrackColor: Colors.blue[800],inactiveTrackColor: Colors.blue[200],value: isChecked,onChanged: (value) {setState(() {isChecked = value;});}),
Using thumbIcon
, you can specify an icon within a button.
The icon can be changed depending on the button status, allowing for a high degree of freedom in setting the icon.
Switch(value: isChecked,onChanged: (value) {setState(() {isChecked = value;});},thumbIcon: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith((states) {if (states.contains(MaterialState.selected)) {return const Icon(Icons.check);}return const Icon(Icons.close);}),)
For further information, please refer to the official documentation below.